About Us
The Green Country Water Garden Society (GCWGS) was founded as a non-profit affiliate of the Tulsa Garden Center in May 1991 with the mission to promote interest, appreciation and enjoyment of ponds and their wildlife throughout northeastern Oklahoma.
The Green Country Water Garden Society is a club consisting of many friends with common interests. In addition to our monthly meetings, we also host activities that promote water gardening in our community including our Annual Pond Tour fundraiser, special seminars with water garden experts, educational events at Tulsa Garden Center, and field trips to view ponds and water gardens in other areas.
GCWGS meets the second Tuesday of each month, except months of January and February, at 6:30 p.m. at the Tulsa Garden Center (2435 S. Peoria in Tulsa, OK). Whether you’re already an established pond lover or your interest is just beginning to sprout, we encourage you to join us and dive deeper into the appreciation for water gardening!